hello guys
presenting hiveui for lava iris X8(Mt 6592)
* WiFi, Bluetooth,GPS all are working perfect
* hotspot is working
* themes are supported
* ram space is up to 1.1 GB
* camera is increased some clarity
* all are working perfect
*play store working perfect
bugs --
* I not checked OTG u can check and tell me in group
* no bugs except that
ROM link --
SuperSU link --
method -
it only works on KitKat ctr recovery
* first boot to recovery
*do preflash then flash the ROM
* after ROM is flashed flash SuperSU zip
* and reboot ur x8
*and enjoy hiveui in x8
Credits -
* rahil vaidhya
* pawan diyal
* er kiranveer Singh
* selfish sopnil
* Shyam velchuri
* prashanth Kumar
* xolo for giving hiveui